Waku Waku Japanese – Lesson 35: Suffixes

July 24, 2012 - July 24, 2012
past event image
Language Lesson past event

Have you ever wondered what the suffixes San, Kun and Chan you hear all the time in Japanese anime and dramas mean, and imply? In this episode of Waku Waku Japanese, Erin introduces how to use these words properly, so you don’t encounter any awkward moments and are able to impress the Japanese person with your knowledge of Japanese manners!

SAN (さん)
· The most basic suffix you can add at the end of people’s names
· can be applied for people older or younger, close or not so close
· can add at the end of people’s last names or first names.

· used to refer to either people that are relatively close to you, or are younger than you
· Usually attached at the end of girls’ names
· can also be used to endearingly refer to people who are younger than you, even if they are male
· can also be used to refer to cute inanimate objects or animals

KUN (くん)
· Usually attached at the end of boys’ names
· Occasionally used in corporate settings by superiors to subordinates.

SAMA (さま)
· Only used in formal writing, like letters


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Jikai mo otanoshimi ni, mata ne!

  • Jul 24, 2012 at 12:00 am